Nov 18, 2023

One way to help keep your car in top shape is regularly changing the oil. Understanding the right interval for oil changes and recognizing the signs your vehicle needs a trip to the GMC dealer can save you from issues that may impact your car’s performance.

Understanding How Often to Change Your Oil

Typically, newer models equipped with advanced engines and synthetic oil can go longer between changes, anywhere from 5,000 to 7,500 miles. However, your owner’s manual may say differently, and it’s always best to follow its guidance.

If you often drive in harsh conditions or extreme temperatures, take frequent short trips, or tow heavy loads, your vehicle might need more frequent changes. Because using your car this way can put extra strain on your engine, it requires more frequent oil maintenance.

What Happens When You Skip Oil Changes at the GMC Dealer?

Reduced Efficiency and Performance

Old, dirty oil can reduce the efficiency of your engine. It can lead to a buildup of debris inside the engine, hindering its performance and reducing fuel efficiency.

Engine Damage

Oil lubricates the moving parts inside your engine, preventing them from wearing down due to friction. If you delay changing the oil in your car, the oil can become dirty and less effective, leading to increased wear and tear on your engine components.

4 Signs You Need to Change Your Oil

1. Illuminated Check Engine or Oil Light

Modern Buick and GMC vehicles are equipped with an oil monitoring system. If your oil light has come on, it’s a clear sign you need to change the oil. If your check engine light comes on, taking a look at your oil should be one of the first steps you take.

2. Dirty or Dark Old Oil

The new engine oil is a clear, amber color. Over time, it gets dirtier and dirtier and begins to get dark. Check your oil regularly with the dipstick to help determine if it’s time to change the oil.

3. Knocking Sounds and Increased Engine Noise

Good quality oil creates a protective barrier between the moving parts of your engine. If your oil is low or too old, you might start to hear more noise from your engine. If you hear a knocking noise, it means that parts are beginning to wear down, and you should act before any more damage occurs.

4. Smoke from the Exhaust

Smoke may mean that oil is burning in the engine. This could mean an oil leak, so that should be checked by a professional right away.

Regularly changing the oil in your car is crucial to keep it running well as long as possible. Give your vehicle the TLC it deserves and call Earnhardt Buick GMC to schedule your service.